It’s amazing how the simplest precautions can sometimes offer the best defenses; but it’s even more incredible that, in many cases, they’re also the most overlooked – or downright ignored. Strapping oneself into a car seat, for example, takes just a quick click of a...
(Ambridge, PA, May 1, 2014) – Value Ambridge Properties at the Ambridge Regional Distribution and Manufacturing Center has just announced a major refurbishing and remodeling project that’s scheduled to begin early this summer. Already one of the area’s largest, and...
There are millions of businesses in existence, from mom-and-pop shops, to international corporations; and each has its own difficulties. Nevertheless, the one, common problem that has long plagued them all is how to combat low employee morale. Indeed, even with all...
Shipping is an expense that businesses, large and small, have always looked for ways of reducing. However, as the price of fuel continues to escalate, taking such money-saving measures is more important than ever. This often sparks the long-standing debate about...
Outstanding in Their Brownfields Real estate terms can sometimes be confusing; but they often get even more complicated when they’re used to classify expansive properties with multiple purposes. Brownfield is a good example of such a word. While, certainly, its...