Ambridge Regional Blog
Climate Controlled Space Available
Climate Controlled Warehouse & Office Space Available Immediately! Personalize this space to make it your Beaver County home in an established Industrial Park with many amenities included, including our ConAm3PL Warehouse, On-Site Maintenance & more. Building...
We’re Hiring!
Want to work for a company as unique as you are? Looking for a career INSTEAD of a job? Are you self-motivated? A team player? Give us a call at 724-266-4661 to discuss our opening for Maintenance Tech and/or Warehouse Worker. We offer a competitive pay, excellent...
Ambridge Regional Vol. 1
Arunt ut as porerum quaspedia cus as volecta et labo. Sundio derum hit labo. Porionsequas a quatem dolo con poresto earum amus dolupta quaesserum lab intus se nus as moluptur? Qui dolorro quibus, sitiis volorum etur? Cim qui debitae magnis arum ipit porehenis estrum...
Value Properties, Inc. — A New York-Based Developer Riding the Plastics Wave
For over 30 years, Value Properties, Inc. has provided manufacturing, warehouse, office, and laboratory space to numerous companies, including Fortune 200 and International Manufacturers. Value Properties is now preparing for substantial growth in a region it anticipates will be the Plastics Capital of the United States within the next decade.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Ambridge Regional Center, A Value Properties Facility, was honored to sponsor the Friends of Old Economy Village Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 13, 2018. It was a record attendance in the Feast Hall, located at Old Economy Village, for the Pittsburgh Opera...
Ambridge Regional Center is a 2018 Toys For Tots Donation Drop Off Location
The Ambridge Regional Distribution & Manufacturing Center is an Official Toys for Tots Donation Location! Toys for Tots is collecting new unwrapped toys to help brighten up a child's holiday. If you would like to make a donation to Toys for Tots, you can drop off...
Beemac Logistics Donates Portion of All October Proceeds to Susan G. Komen Foundation
In support of #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, a portion of all proceeds this month will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. #ReliefSwarm #BeemacCares #JoinTheSwarm Source:
May 1 2018 Forklift Training
Towlift, Inc. is conducting a #Forklift Training class at the Ambridge Regional Distribution & Manufacturing Center on May 1st. Cost if $150.00 per person, payable to Towlift. Starts at 7:30AM and runs approximately 4.5 hours. This course is for experienced...
The Ambridge Regional Center is Hiring!
Our established Beaver County company is seeking a highly motivated individual to join our maintenance team. This position is responsible for general maintenance duties as well as preventive and routine building & equipment maintenance and repairs including (but...
June 7, 2016: The day Shell made the “we will build in Beaver County” announcement!
Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC (Shell) has taken the final investment decision to build a major petrochemical complex, comprising an ethylene cracker with polyethylene derivatives unit, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Main construction will start in approximately...
Ambridge Regional Center
2301 Duss Avenue, Suite 1
Ambridge, PA 15003
Phone: (724) 266-4661
Toll Free: (800) 371-5606
Fax: (724) 266-7311
Contact Us Today
We have found the Ambridge Regional Center to be a great location to build our R&D and chemical production business. The site has an excellent operational team and is able to meet a wide variety of industrial needs.